Michael Everett

I am a


Born (and raised) in north London to an English father and Chinese-Malaysian mother, my name is Michael Everett. Having recently trained in coding after a spell at university, I'm looking forward to moving onto the next stage of my development.

Full Stack Engineer.

  • City: London

After heading to university to study physics with theoretical astrophysics, I quickly found that one of the things about the course that there was a surprising amount of joy in was coding. However, I initially struggled with it - coding wasn't like anything I had ever done before, and the coding demands on my course were quite specific. At the recommendation of the guy I was living with, who had been coding since his early teens, I tried some of the more widely known languages, and found it to be engrossing.

Due to a series of events that were out of my control, it became clear that continuing at university wouldn't be ideal for me. When contemplating options outside of higher education, coding was something that came up, not just as an area where merit and hard work can allow you to find success, but also as something that suited some of my natural strengths, such as problem solving and unorthodox thinking (as well as my love for keyboards).


This is a summary of languages I have proficiency in:












Michael Everett

Determined and resilient individual with a strong sense of justice and teamwork. I'm someone who is never satisifed with understanding something on a surface level, and who is unbiased and logical. If there is someone willing to teach, I will always be willing to listen.


Foundation Engineering and Physics


University of Nottingham (UoN)

Although I wanted to study physics at university, I unfortunately didn't take Maths at A2; therefore, I had to attend (and successfully complete) a foundation year before going on to study physics. As I wanted to study a branch of theoretical physics, I was required to score higher on the final exams in order to progress.

Physics with Theoretical Astrophysics (UG certificate of Physics)


University of Nottingham (UoN)

After progressing onto my chosen course, I was keen to learn and do well. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to follow a linear progression through the course. Eventually, although I retained my love of physics, I made the decision to try something else.

IT Career Switch


Coding traineeship

Having decided what to do next, I enrolled in the IT career switch course. Whilst continuing to work on my own personal journey, I learnt several coding languages in detail, and completed two major projects, amongst other things. It is with these skills that I hope to continue working hard, forging a successful career, whilst continuing to be the best version of myself. I have never felt in better condition, and am more confident about what I can do in the future than I have been for a long time.

Working History

Outreach Physics


Outreach program, University of Nottingham (UoN)

As I've always cared about education, whilst I was at university I sought out programs that would allow me to gain experience in that area. Initially, I started working for Outreach as a volunteer, going into primary schools as part of a small team and offering assistance with setting up and demonstrating various physics experiments. After a few weeks, the team leader offered me hourly pay on a job by job basis, as I had proven my commitment and desire to do the work, and would've continued regardless of pay.



Specialist Education Provider

Due to my commitment to coding and continued process of working on my health, I wanted to take a part time job that was flexible and fulfilling. ASEND is a company that works with children who have SEN (Special Educational Needs), and especially those who are unable to attend school due to various reasons. As a freelancer, I took on several different roles, such as being a tutor who went into homes, and accompanying children with particularly challenging difficulties on journeys.


These are 2 projects that I completed as part of the IT Career Switch course.


Interactive Web App

Company Directory

Database Manipulation App


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